Pen is a mighty weapon.
That ten pens are ten times mightier was demonstrated earlier this year when an
“Open invitation to the CM” extended by editor Satish Sharma (GP dated
18/02/2014) for undertaking a trip by road from Doon to Delhi to witness the
pathetic condition of the national highway himself got a massive impromptu
reaction from readers increasing its effect manifold, forcing the state
government to take rapid necessary action. Repairs were immediately carried out
and the road, except for a 20 km stretch, was in quite a decent condition by
Reader’s responses or letters
to the editor, thus, are not merely individual expressions of opinion or a
dialogue on an issue; but also a potent tool to fight the numerous ills that
afflict us as a society and force our lethargic officialdom out of its slumber.
A little increase in their frequency will greatly benefit readers and the “complete
people’s newspaper” alike.
The balanced, mature
and positive journalism practiced by Garhwal Post through its news, forum and
editorial columns in the aftermath of Kedarnath deluge last year was yet
another feather in its cap. Congratulations Satish and team. Keep up the good
(Published in Garhwal Post on 2nd July 2014)

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